- Adult Male: ¥4,000
- Adult Female: ¥3,000
- High school students and below: Free (when accompanied by a guardian in the same location)
Business Hours:
- 8:00 AM to around 5:00 PM
- This is a natural mountain stream with minimal human intervention. Therefore, various dangers such as falling rocks, fallen trees, and animals may be present. Please exercise caution and act safely.
- Sudden rainfall may cause rapid increases in water levels. Please assess the situation and evacuate to the road if necessary. (As there is a road immediately above each stream, choose a safe location and climb to the road)
- Please bring back all litter, cigarette butts, etc.
- Do not take anything from the forest, such as grass, wood, or stones.
- For toilet needs (feces), please use the designated areas. If you absolutely cannot wait, bury the waste paper under a large stone or in the ground (feces will decompose quickly with insects and microorganisms, but paper remains visible and unsightly).
Area-Specific Rules:
F Area:
- Please use barbless hooks.
- Fish with a body length of 30 cm or less can be taken, but please consume them. As you are taking a precious life, please enjoy it respectfully.
M, R, L Areas:
- Catch and release (C&R) is requested.
- Please use barbless hooks. If a fish is caught, do not force it off; cut the leader. With barbless hooks, there is a high probability it will come off naturally.
Additional Information:
- Entry points are marked with signs along the road. Ropes (black and yellow) are installed above the stream. There are also places around it where it is easy to descend to the stream. Please enter and exit from there.
- Enter from the designated entry point, and in the morning, please fish in the designated area.
- In the afternoon, the entire area becomes a free zone, and you can move freely. However, please enter the stream from the designated entry point.
- Please do not enter the Edazawa stream.
- Progress upstream in the stream.